DREN-URBA New features – Update 2.10

In the following video we present the new features that we have added in the minor update (April 2017) of our Storm Sewers Design Software, DREN-URBA, version 2.10.

In this update, beyond correcting errors and making simple improvements, we have gone a little further, incorporating some features that users have requested and that we list below:

  1. The starting sewer pipe symbol is now displayed in the drawing area in those manholes that represent the starting point of the system.
  2. It is now possible to change the position of the drawing plan text annotations and kept them stored in the software so that you do not have to change their position each time the size is changed or the displayed properties are modified.
  3. The Annotations management dialog has been modified so that it is now possible to select which properties will be presented for manholes and pipe sections as well as to define their order and the text prefix that will identify the corresponding property.
  4. The way of acquiring the coordinates of manholes and street points was modified when pipe and streets sections are being drawn, respectively.

We hope that these additions, as well as corrections to the program, will be useful to our clients in the design of storm sewer networks.