We are Civil Engineers creating
Software for the Hydraulic Design
in Engineering and Architecture

We create Software for Architecture, Civil Engineering Professionals, and SMEs that want to innovate and Increase their Productivity and Profitability in the elaboration of Plumbing and Urban Water Systems Design Projects

About Us

We are Civil Engineers developing Software for tasks oriented to Hydraulic Design and Analysis.

HidraSoftware is a WEB project aimed at providing practical solutions that allow, especially, independent engineering professionals and small engineering firms to develop their hydraulic designs and analysis projects in the most practical way.

What do We Offer?

  • Civil engineering professionals with over 20 years’ experience.
  • 100% practical and task-oriented Applications and Software.
  • Email Support.
  • Excellent Price / Value relation.
  • Most of our tools are unique.
  • Detailed tutorials and videos for using our Software.

Why do We do it?

HidraSoftware was born to remedy the lack of accessible informatics tools oriented to hydraulic analysis and design in the civil engineering field, such as plumbing design in buildings (sanitary and pluvial), sanitary and storm sewers design and analysis in urban sectors, and water hammer preliminary analysis, among other disciplines.

About HidraSoftware.

Our goal is to be a benchmark for most independent engineering professionals who require tools that provide the minimum necessary results to make their professional work more profitable







Licenses Sold


Who Needs Our Software?

The profile of our client is that of a professional highly motivated to changes and technology, loves his profession and knows the methods and procedures necessary to undertake the hydraulic projects in Civil Engineering and Architecture.

  • He is a professional who needs to optimize the time he spends in calculating and producing documents of civil-hydraulic engineering projects.
  • Needs practical computer tools that offer only what is necessary to perform his calculations and designs with the best cost/benefit ratio.
  • The type of project that develops does not justify high-cost software, from which he will only use a few features.
  • He does not risk making manual calculations given the required resources (human and economic) and possible errors.

You can acquire perpetual licenses or also subscription licenses of our programs. You can thus further optimize the cash flow to carry out your projects

Our software will reduce the calculation execution times, revisions, and document generation of your hydraulic projects by more than 80%.

You do not need to be a hydraulic expert because our programs are oriented to offer you the necessary information so that you can undertake the design of plumbing and urban water systems in a practical way

You will reduce the costs associated with your designs, minimizing the investment required in the generation and revision of plan drawings, isometries, and longitudinal profiles.

Civil Engineering Software
Developed by Civil Engineers 

Get More Information About our Software

Water Supply System Design in Buildings


Plumber allows you to automatically design water supply networks in buildings using  HUNTER or Simultaneity Methods...

Buildings' Drainage Systems Design Software


Desagües (DRAINS) implements the Fixture Units method to allow you to carry out the automatic sizing of sanitary and storm water pipes in buildings. Even you can easily design the system's Pumping System.

Water Distribution Networks Design Software


Aqueducts is one of the few programs that performs the water demands automatic allocation in urban water distribution networks and, of course, automatically performs the calculation and design, obtaining plans and work calculations.

Sanitary Sewer Networks Design Software

From the water consumptions allocation and the subsequent conversion to wastewater flow, Cloacas (Sewers) will allow you to easily design urban sanitary sewer networks, generating plan drawings, longitudinal profiles as well as work calculations on the fly.

Stormwater Urban Drainage Systems Design

Designs the catchment system (drains) as well as the corresponding networks for collecting and conducting rainwater in urban areas. DREN-URBA implements the rational method to allow you to carry out your stormwater projects easily.

Simple Water Hammer Software

ARIETE is the ideal software for those who need to carry out a preliminary evaluation of the effect that the appearance of the water hammer phenomenon has on the pressure in water pipelines.

By implementing the characteristics method and with a very didactic and intuitive graphical interface, you will be able to visualize the resulting maximum and minimum head envelopes.

Centrifugal Pumps Selection Software

PUMPS is our proposal to perform the hydraulic selection of centrifugal pumping equipment by comparing the system's head curves with the characteristic curves of the pumping system.