The Sanitary Sewer
Design Software

CLOACAS (SEWERS) makes the hydraulic analysis and design of sanitary sewer networks faster and more intuitive, allowing you to stand out as a competent professional in your area. Not only is its price affordable, but the investment you make when purchasing a license can amortize in a very short span of time.

Build the Sanitary Sewers Network graphically

The CAD-like user interface or our sanitary sewer design software allows you to have, at any time, the plan view of the Sanitary Sewers Network on your screen, and on this view you can easily analyze the results of the calculation. You can also create the network through importing graphics entities in drawing files in AUTOCAD® DXF or DWG format.


Multiple methods for Determining the Wastewater Design Flows

Determining the wastewater design flows of each sanitary sewer pipe has never been so easy to do. Our Sanitary Sewer Design Software offers the possibility of determining the flows in your project through four options, amongst which stands out the possibility of assigning water demands using objects similar to those that we incorporated in the Water Demands Allocator Software.

Available Options:

  • Directly set, for each sanitary sewer pipe, the corresponding Wastewater Design Flow.
  • Set a Unitary Wastewater Flow as a function of the area contributing to a particular sanitary sewer section.
  • Directly set, for each sanitary sewer pipe, the corresponding Average Potable Water Design Flow.
  • Use Water Demand Parcels and Polygons that can be automatically allocated to the network’s sewer pipe sections in order to calculate its average potable water demand.

Give it a try with the Demo Version!

Download the demo version now and start getting to know the versatility of our sanitary sewer design software.

Easy Design, Edition and Analysis

Some of the tools that CLOACAS includes


Automatic Terrain Elevations Assignment

You may include, in your sanitary sewer project’s drawing area, objects that serve as topographical (terrain elevations) references so you can automatically determine the manhole rims’ (ground) elevation.

These elevation points can be drawn directly into the drawing area or you can let CLOACAS make the import of graphic entities, such as points, circles, and texts contained in drawing files with DXF or DWG extension.

List of Materials and Construction Budget

You can easily define the necessary parameters to determine the excavation and backfilling volumes, length of piping, and amounts of manhole cones and cylinders, among others, so that the program can calculate the sanitary sewer system’s total cost of construction from the unit prices of 16 construction items.

You are only seconds from beginning to work with CLOACAS.

The software has no limit on the size of the sanitary sewer system modeled nor a maximum number of manholes or sewer pipes. It’s unlimited!


270 €

Interested also in Storm Sewer Design? Buy CLOACAS and DREN-URBA in a bundle with a significant discount. Click Here

You can Buy it with the Temporary

Licensing (Subscription) options:


Install the program on one (1) computer and use it for 6 months



Install the program on one (1) computer and use it for 12 months 



Install the program on two (2) computers and use it for 6 months



Install the program on two (2) computers and use it for 12 months
